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Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Imagine an Adorable Couple Spends 20 Years Building Island

Off The Grid

Off The Grid

Wayne Adams And Catherine King Have built a self-sustaining island.More pics after the cut...

Yoga All Day Long

Yoga All Day Long

Adams and King live off the land by farming and fishing, and this has been going on since 1992!
Dance Floors, Greenhouses, And More

Dance Floors, Greenhouses, And More

Freedom Cove consists of 12 floating platforms that include a dance floor, 5 greenhouses, a guest lighthouse, an art gallery, and studios for Adams' and King's work!
Quite Your Day Job

Quite Your Day Job

When King is not spending her time practicing her art of dancing, she harvests the crops that they plant in their half acre expanse of solid land.
Gardening Oasis

Gardening Oasis

Since they're so far away from civilization and its polution, their crops have a cleaner and crisper taste.
Visitor's Welcome

Visitor's Welcome

Adams encourages visitors to come and visit their self-sustaining home. They even have a guest house where people can pay to spend a night on the water.
How Are They Self-Sufficient?

How Are They Self-Sufficient?

Self-sufficiency may seem daunting, but it's quite possible with the help from mother nature. Solar panels have previously generated their electricity, but when this becomes faulty they're able to rely on a generator to continue fueling their power.
Water Sources

Water Sources

Water comes not only from rain, but a waterfall is located nearby. They collect this life source and filter out the impurities.
All Started One Stormy Night

All Started One Stormy Night

When asked what spurred them on to make such a huge transition to a natural lifestyle, Adams and King claimed that a storm had knocked down many trees giving them a perfect amount of lumber to begin their endeavor.


Adams is a woodcarver who supports them by selling his creations. King is a painter who also brings in a considerable income with her creativity. Would you be able to live such a natural lifestyle?

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