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Thursday 25 June 2015

Tragic: Choir Member Beheaded In His home,Head Still Missing

In a shocking case of cruelty,a 75 year old  blind California man was found decapitated in his apartment.

Robert Hollis,of Inglewood, was also a choir member in his church was found dead last Thursday, and still police have no leads as to what might have happened to the man, beloved by hundreds in the area.Making matters even more devastating for the family is the fact that his head has not yet been recovered. 
Bishop Kenneth Ulmer told NBC 4 about Hollis's murder.....
He brought light to people out of his own darkness. It's a very personal thing for us, the way it happened, the tremendous ungodly way in which it happened,' 'We are trying to bring the family through this (and) get to the next step of getting justice and resolving this case.'
Meanwhile, Inglewood Mayor James Butts has asked the city council to authorize a $50,000 reward to find who is responsible for this horrific act.

Police have been at a loss, as in addition to the missing head, nothing seems to have been stolen from the apartment.Some in the family are growing concerned it could have been a satanic ritual.

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